multi_scale_expansion package¶
multi_scale_expansion.classification module¶
- multi_scale_expansion.classification.setup_classification_model(device, ds_path, model, transforms, mock_datasets=None, lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, step_size=7, gamma=0.1, epochs=15, testing=False)¶
Set up dataset and return trained model and info.
- Parameters:
ds_path – Path containing ds with train and test dirs.
model – Model that we’d like to adapt for our classification purposes.
transforms – Transformations to apply on train and test data, depend on model.
lr – Learning rate.
momentum – Momentum hyperparameter.
step_size – Step size hyperparameter for scheduler.
gamma – Gamma hyperparameter.
num_epochs – Epochs to train on.
testing – Whether we are testing the function or running it normally.
- Return model:
Trained model.
- Return type:
- Return train/val_losses:
Per epoch train and val losses
- Return type:
- Return train/val_accuracies:
Per epoch train and val accuracies
- Return type:
- multi_scale_expansion.classification.train_model(device, dataset_sizes, dataloaders, model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, num_epochs=25, testing=False)¶
Train and fine-tune previously auto-generated model.
- Parameters:
device – To work allow PyTorch to work with GPU.
dataset_sizes – Stores the dataset sizes for the training and test data.
dataloaders – 2 dataloaders containing the training and testing data.
model – The model to train.
criterion – Loss function.
optimizer – Optimization algorithm choice.
scheduler – Modifies learning rate gradually with training.
num_epochs – Epochs to train on.
testing – Whether we are testing the function or running it normally.
- Return model:
Trained model.
- Return type:
- Return train/val_losses:
Per epoch train and val losses
- Return type:
- Return train/val_accuracies:
Per epoch train and val accuracies
- Return type:
multi_scale_expansion.dataset module¶
- class multi_scale_expansion.dataset.PlantDataset(images_dir, image_transform)¶
Collects Generalizable Dataset from strict directory structure.
- get_class_names(images_dir)¶
Given a directory of images, underneath which we have directories of class names, collect all these class names and return as a list of strings.
- Parameters:
images_dir – Path to directory containing images.
- Return class_names:
List of unique class names.
- Return type:
- get_image_filenames_with_labels(images_dir, class_names, class_labels)¶
Get all image filenames for files containing proper images of our dataset.
- Parameters:
images_dir – Path to directory containing images.
class_names – List of unique class names.
class_labels – Maps to idx of class name.
- Type:
- Return image_files:
Literally it’s the image file paths.
- Return type:
- Return labels:
Labels for each of the images.
- Return type:
- multi_scale_expansion.dataset.collate_fn(batch)¶
Properly collates images into mini-batches for specific task and from a particular batch.
- Parameters:
batch – batch of images and labels.
- Return images:
Image after applying transform.
- Return type:
- Return labels:
LongTensor of labels.
- Return type:
- multi_scale_expansion.dataset.get_dataloaders(image_datasets)¶
Now take the datasets and make them dataloaders with specificed params.
- Parameters:
image_datasets – Actual torch train and test datasets.
- Return dataloaders:
Dataloaders from Datasets.
- Return type:
dict() containing DataLoaders.
- multi_scale_expansion.dataset.get_datasets(data_dir, data_transforms)¶
Create train and test dataset into a dictionary.
- Parameters:
data_dir – Directory path of data folder.
data_transforms – Transformations to apply to images.
- Return images:
Image after applying transform.
- Return type:
multi_scale_expansion.model module¶
- multi_scale_expansion.model.get_plant_model(model, class_names)¶
Train and fine-tune previously auto-generated model.
- Parameters:
model – The model to build on.
class_names – Classes for classification task.
- Return model:
Model with additional classification layer.
- Return type:
- multi_scale_expansion.model.get_train_loss_needs(model_ft, lr, momentum, step_size, gamma)¶
Train and fine-tune previously auto-generated model.
- Parameters:
model_ft – The actual model.
lr – Learning rate.
momentum – Momentum parameter to be specified.
step_size – step_size
gamma – Gamma value to be specified for lr_scheduler.
- Return criterion:
Trained model.
- Return type:
function, nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
- Return optimizer_ft:
The defined optimizer.
- Return type:
- Return exp_lr_scheduler:
Defined learning rate scheduler
- Return type: